Numeracy skills are vital throughout life and parental support at home can have a huge impact on a child’s achievements in maths.
The first thing, and probably most important thing you can do to help your child with maths is to develop their confidence; be positive, praise effort and make sure you don’t say things like “I can’t do maths” or “I hated maths at school” or your child might start to think that about themselves.
Maths is everywhere, all we need to do as parents is find the learning opportunities in the daily activities we do and ask the right questions e.g.
What time is it? It’s 7 o’clock, how long until bedtime? How tall are you? How much have you grown? Are all the house numbers on our side of the street odd?
There are some excellent ideas for everyday activities that support the development of maths on the Cbeebies website and the National Numeracy website
The BBC Bitesize website provides some excellent games and videos for older children.
Parents often ask for advice about how to support their children with calculations, because some of the methods we use in school now may be unfamiliar. Our Calculation Policy listed below shows the methods used.
Another key area you can really help your child with at home, whatever their age, is mental arithmetic and recall of number facts. This can help children develop their mathematical fluency. The grid below shows the number facts the children need to learn from Year 1 to 4. Children are tested regularly on these facts. We aim for all children to have reached number 40 by the end of Year 4.